Drooping eyelids are a common problem in both men and women, with an average of 1 in 7 adults undergoing eyelid surgery once. These people do this because they suffer from excess skin on the upper eyelids. Besides the fact that it can cause complaints of a heavy feeling above the eyes or watery eyes, others often have the impression that you are constantly sad or tired, while you do not experience this yourself at all. An eyelid correction can offer a solution in such cases. The result is that others think you look fresh and cheerful and that you feel better about yourself. Despite the cost of an eyelid correction, the operation will be worth a lot to you.
What are the costs of an upper eyelid correction?
When you undergo an eyelid correction, it is usually an upper eyelid correction. This procedure is done by the best plastic surgeons and is usually done under local anaesthesia. An upper eyelid correction for both eyes is possible from € 850,-. This includes consultation and monitoring. An upper eyelid correction is usually not reimbursed by the health insurer. An upper eyelid correction can only be reimbursed if you experience a lot of inconvenience from your drooping eyelids. This is, for example, the case when at least 50% of your pupil is covered with overhanging skin. Nowadays, an upper eyelid correction is often combined with the treatment of a frown wrinkle or under-eye wrinkles for a slightly fresher look. In addition, the treatment of a frown wrinkle prevents further sagging of the eyebrow and in this way the cause is also tackled. If there is also a desire to raise the eyebrow, a combination with an eyebrow lift using botox can also be chosen. In this case, you will have no costs at all for an upper eyelid correction, and you may be able to have something done about a frown wrinkle or wrinkles under the eyes immediately.
How does an upper eyelid correction work?
An upper eyelid correction starts with local anaesthesia of the eyelids with small injections. These are sometimes a bit sensitive, but don’t hurt much. Then the surgeon will determine how much skin needs to be removed. Then the excess skin will be cut away. This always happens in the fold of your skin, so that the scar will not be visible after the operation. In addition to excess skin, sometimes a piece of the eye ring muscle is removed and some excess fat.
Before and after foto's

Choose for quality
If you want to undergo an eyelid correction, you naturally choose a skilled plastic surgeon. Betan Clinics only employs certified and highly trained plastic surgeons. They have both the necessary Dutch and European certificates. Would you like to know what the possibilities and costs are for an eyelid correction? Then call +31 (0)50 211 3 876. Or contact us via info@betanclinics.com.
Excess skin above the eyes is caused by ageing. Ageing causes the elasticity of the skin to decrease, allowing the skin to hang more and partially cover the eyes. Too much skin above the eyes and drooping eyelids often give a sad or tired impression. Something that can be easily and quickly remedied with an eyelid correction (also known as blepharoplasty).
You will benefit from the treatment all your life.
Both men and women usually have an eyelid correction around the age of forty. Nowadays we also see more and more people at an older age who undergo an eyelid correction. That’s not surprising because we are getting older and older, and we want to keep looking fit and vital. Drooping eyelids are more common in one family than in another. That’s why it is sometimes decided to do an eyelid correction earlier than the fortieth year. This depends on the degree of severity, complaints and personal motivation to undergo the treatment.
Do you suffer from drooping eyelids? Then you can schedule a free consult with Betan Clinics to discuss your complaints and treatment options with the plastic surgeon. During this consult, the plastic surgeon will assess whether you are a suitable candidate for an eyelid correction. The plastic surgeon will discuss the treatment in detail with you, the results you can expect, the risks and the aftercare. He will give you honest advice and together with you will draw up a personal treatment plan for the period before and after the treatment.
There is a very small chance that the result will not meet your expectations prior to the treatment. Discuss this at all times with the treating specialist.
If you schedule an appointment for a consult, we will send you a short questionnaire with medical questions. The medical questions are important to assess your state of health and, if necessary, to take certain precautions. In this way, the treatment can take place safely and responsibly. You fill in the questionnaire digitally at home, so that there is more room for your questions during the consult. If you would like to schedule a treatment after the consultation, you will receive additional information about the treatment, pre- and aftercare and the check-up. You also need to read through the treatment agreement and sign it digitally with us. If you agree to the treatment, detailed photos will also be taken so that you can properly assess the result after the treatment. The photos will be safely stored in your medical file and will not be released to the public. The photos can only be used for other purposes, such as scientific presentations, if you give your consent in writing. Do you use blood-thinning medication? Then you should usually stop taking this medication 1 week before the treatment. The plastic surgeon will discuss this in detail with you.
For an eyelid correction you can go to Groningen, Leeuwarden, Sneek, and Zwolle. Given the central location of our various branches, we are also easy to reach from Assen, Drachten, Heerenveen and Emmen.
An eyelid correction at Betan Clinics takes place under local anesthesia and takes an average of thirty to forty minutes. This means that the eyelids and the area around the eyelid are locally anaesthetised with a few small injections. The eye is not anaesthetised. The injections can be sensitive, but this varies from person to person. With the right technique and attention we will make sure that you experience as little inconvenience as possible. Once the anaesthetic fluid has been injected, your eyelids are completely numbed and the plastic surgeon can start. View the infographic An upper eyelid correction at Betan Clinics The plastic surgeon will accurately mark on both upper eyelids how much skin needs to be removed. The skin to be removed is a strip of skin, which the plastic surgeon cuts away. The incision is always made in the crease, so that the scar is usually no longer visible. It is also possible that a piece of the eye ring muscle is removed. In some cases the eyelids contain some excess fat which causes the eyelids to bulge out. The excess fat can also be taken away. This will always be discussed with you in advance. By using different techniques, the plastic surgeon ensures the best possible result for you. To prevent small bleeding, the capillaries in the eyelids are burned shut. As a final step, the incision is sutured with a fine suture and the eyelids are taped with thin plasters. After the treatment you will rest for about thirty minutes in the equipment room.
After the stitches have been removed 1 week after the treatment, the result can already be seen clearly. There may be some swelling and discoloration 1 week after treatment. Usually after 3 months the final result will be visible. A comparison between the before- and after pictures shows a clear difference. Most people are very satisfied with their upper eyelid correction. The gaze is better and the result is often a cheerful and fit look.
Every surgical operation has risks, regardless of whether it is large or small. The most common risks of an eyelid correction are:
- Despite all the strict requirements to work sterile, there is always a risk of infection. An infection occurs on average in 1 to 2% of cases.
- Do you smoke? Then we strongly advise you to stop smoking until at least 3 weeks before and 3 weeks after the operation. Smoking increases the risk of an infection.
- Most eyelids are not exactly symmetrical. Even after surgery there is a chance that the eyelids are not completely symmetrical. Swelling can also cause asymmetry.
- During the procedure, small nerve branches in the eyelid are cut, which can cause the eyelid to be numb. This usually lasts for 3 to 6 months.
- The eyes may feel dry after the procedure. This will go away by itself.
- Although the plastic surgeon will check for possible allergic reactions in advance, there is a chance that you may have an allergic reaction to the disinfectant, anaesthetic fluid or plasters.
- It is also possible that there is bleeding or disturbed wound healing.
The plastic surgeon keeps a close eye on these risks, provides adequate aftercare and gives clear instructions for at home. There is a very small risk of bleeding behind the eyelid, pinching off an optic nerve, causing vision to deteriorate. In very rare cases this can lead to blindness. Because the plastic surgeons at Betan Clinics use a so-called bipolar diathermy, the chance of subcutaneous bleeding is reduced.
In some cases, we see that the skin tends to pull tighter than was actually intended. The plastic surgeon can remedy this by performing a minor post-correction.
If you have serious pain, impaired vision or other complaints you are seriously worried about, we are available 24/7.
The most commonly performed eyelid correction at Betan Clinics is the upper eyelid correction. With the extensive experience of the plastic surgeons and the best materials and upper eyelid correction at Betan Clinics is performed under local anaesthesia. An upper eyelid correction for both eyes is possible from € 850, – including consultation and check-up.
> Bekijk hier de ooglidcorrectie kosten.
Is an eyelid correction reimbursed by the health insurer?
In most cases, the eyelid correction is not reimbursed by the health insurer. Only in very advanced (exceptional) cases of drooping eyelids can you qualify for reimbursement. This is, for example, the case if at least fifty per cent of your pupil is covered with overhanging skin. The plastic surgeon will assess whether you qualify for reimbursement.
Why choose an upper eyelid correction at Betan Clinics?
Highest quality and safety
Quality and safety always come first
An experienced plastic surgeon
Betan Clinics employs an experienced plastic surgeon with a high academic title. The plastic surgeon guarantees 100% attention and attention to detail.
Free consultation
Always a free 30-minute consultation. At home, you will receive a digital medical questionnaire in advance, so that the plastic surgeon has all the time during the consultation to discuss your questions and wishes.
Latest techniques
The latest, advanced treatment techniques for the best results.
Natural results
Less is more: preserving natural results. Together with you, the plastic surgeon will draw up a personal treatment plan that fully meets your wishes and produces a natural result.
Evening and weekend
Evening and weekend treatments
Reachable 24/7
Reachable 24/7 in case of complaints after the operation
Highest quality and safety
Quality and safety always come first
Latest techniques
The latest, advanced treatment techniques for the best results.
An experienced plastic surgeon
Betan Clinics employs an experienced plastic surgeon with a high academic title. The plastic surgeon guarantees 100% attention and attention to detail.
Natural results
Less is more: preserving natural results. Together with you, the plastic surgeon will draw up a personal treatment plan that fully meets your wishes and produces a natural result.
Reachable 24/7
Reachable 24/7 in case of complaints after the operation
Evening and weekend
Evening and weekend treatments
Free consultation
Always a free 30-minute consultation. At home, you will receive a digital medical questionnaire in advance, so that the plastic surgeon has all the time during the consultation to discuss your questions and wishes..
How much does an eyelid correction at Betan Clinics cost?
With the extensive experience of the plastic surgeon and the best materials, an eyelid correction at Betan Clinics is performed under local anaesthesia. An upper eyelid correction for both eyes is possible from € 850, – including consultation and check-up. This is a very competitive price for a treatment that is performed qualitatively and safely by a plastic surgeon with a high academic title.
In most cases, an eyelid correction is not reimbursed by the health insurer. Only in very advanced cases of overhanging eyelids, you can qualify for reimbursement. If you have any questions about the costs or reimbursement of an eyelid correction, please contact us: send us a WhatsApp message or call 050 211 3 876. We are available seven days a week until 22:00.
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